A simple GPIB to USB adapter using an Arduino Uno. Constructed following: http://egirland.blogspot.com/2014/03/arduino-uno-as-usb-to-gpib-controller.html
A 24-way connector (RS 239-1207) was used for the GBIP connector and wired to the Arduino with two lengths of cat 5 cable as follows:
cable 1 pin mapping
GBIP Wire Uno
1 wh/or A0
2 or/wh A1
3 wh/bl A2
4 bl/wh A3
13 wh/gr A4
14 gr/wh A5
GND wh/br GND
GND br/wh GND
cable 2 pin mapping
GBIP Wire Uno
5 wh/gr 12
6 gr/wh 11
7 wh/br 10
8 br/wh 9
9 bl/wh 8
11 wh/bl 7
15 or/wh 4
16 wh/or 5

A 3D printed case was designed in Fusion 360. CAD files available here.
The Uno was programmed with GPIB6.1.ino available from Emanuele’s website.